We are looking forward to another great yearbook this year. And we need your help! Parents are our eyes and ears out there. We see your cameras snapping. Please share those great shots with us for the yearbook.
While we can’t use all of them, we will do our best to include the photos you send. Remember, groups are best.
Here’s how to share photos with the yearbook team:
iphone users:
1. Download the TreeRing yearbook app on the app store
2. Put in the WAS school code: 1015211479502574
3. Put in your student’s information
4. Click on the top left corner with the lines and click on WAS
5. Click on “folders”
6. Click on the add/plus button in the lower right hand corner
7. Choose a photo/photos from your phone/library
8. Then scroll down to the folders on the bottom and choose what folder or event you want to add the picture to (there is a little circle that you click on and then hit done). You can also tag others! If it is not a specific school event or you cannot see a folder for that event (we will update them throughout the year) then just choose the grade folder that the students are in.
9. You can also create personal folders because you will have the luxury of creating personal pages for your student this year! (More directions to follow).
desktop users:
Click on the link below and follow these directions:
If you have any questions, contact Greccia Gomez and Ling Zheng: wascranfordyearbook@gmail.com